Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Shrink images

Today we will see how to create a program that reads an image, resizes it and saves it resized.
Let's create a new stack and let's put a button to ask for the file of the image we want. Livecode can import the following formats as images: GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, XWD, XBM, XPM, PBM, PGM, PPM, PICT, EPS.
To avoid overloading the code I limit myself to the most common formats, so the button code will be:
on mouseUp
   if there is an image 1 then
      delete the last image
   end if
   answer file "Select imaage, please:"
   put it into temp
   set itemdel to "."      
   if the last item of tolower(temp) is not among the items of "jpg.gif.png.jpeg.bmp" then
      answer "That file is not a supported format."
      exit MouseUp
   end if   
   import paint from file temp
   set the top of the last image to 75
   set the resizeQuality of last image to "best"
   set the inw of the last image to the width of the last image
   set the inh of the last image to the height of the last image
   set the intl of the last image to the topleft of the last image
end mouseUp
Let's explain it:
  •      we delete a possible image already present
  •      we ask for the location of the file
  •      we check that the file extension is one of those we like
  •      we import the image, this operation creates a new image
  •      we move it so that it does not cover the button
  •      we set the quality for image editing on best (best)
  •      we save the initial width, height and position
Then we put a scrollbar we will call scale, and a button to save. If all went well, we will have something like this:

Scrollbar code is:

on scrollbarDrag newPosition
   put the inw of the last image into iniW
   put the inH of the last image into iniH
   put the inTl of the last image into iniTl
   set the width of the last image to round(iniW * newPosition / 100)
   set the height of the last image to round(iniH * newPosition / 100)
   set the topleft of the last image to iniTl
end scrollbarDrag

As you can see, original data are saved, so we can't lose image details.

Now let's see save button code:

on mouseUp
   ask file "New file name:"
   export last image to file it as JPEG
end mouseUp

The export command supports: PBM, JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG .

 Now you can enjoy with this program

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